Stair Climbing Sack Trucks

A stair climbing sack truck provides easy mobility of goods up staircases. Maneuvering heavy items around the workplace, especially up stairs can be difficult, but stair climbing sack trucks are designed for exactly this. These innovative designs allow you to move items safely and securely up staircases. Suitable for busy working environments including offices, workshops, stockrooms and more. We provide a number of models, allowing you to find the right type of sack truck to fit your requirements. Alongside this collection, we also supply various other types of materials handling equipment to help aid efficiency. Try our pallet trucks and shelf trolleys for easy mobility of goods in the workplace.

Aluminium Stairclimber With Skids
    Delivery: 7 - 12 working days
    • £204.00
    Best Seller - Wide Stairclimber
      Delivery: 7 - 10 working days
      • £177.00
      Wide Stairclimber
        Delivery: 10 -15 working days
        • £177.00
        Stairclimber With Skids
          Delivery: 7 - 12 working days
          • £136.00
          Compact Aluminium Stairclimber
            Delivery: 5 - 10 working days
            • £76.00