Creating An Eco Friendly Workplace

Unfortunately, as technology, production and distribution levels increase around the world, so do the amounts of greenhouse gases that are released into the atmosphere. This in turn damages our planet, adding to the never ending negative effects of climate change by making our earth warmer.

As one of many terrifying carbon footprint facts, since 1988, just a mere 100 companies have been responsible for 71% of the entire world’s industrial greenhouse gas emissions – a shocking statistic that shows just how much damage can be caused by big corporations.

This is why it’s important, as businesses, workplaces and companies, to work towards becoming more environmentally sustainable and eco friendly in everything we do. 

To put into perspective how much major companies contribute, in 2019, the Coca-Cola Company emitted approximately 5.56 million metric tonnes of CO2 from its manufacturing sites around the world, while UK supermarket Tesco released 2.98 million.

With brands now realising their impact and damage, many have created positive future aims to ensure they contribute less. For example, Apple are aiming to be 100% carbon neutral by 2030, while Mcdonalds is aiming to prevent 150 million metric tonnes of CO2 from going into the atmosphere by 2030.

Today, our expert team at Equip4work have put together this guide to help you create a more eco friendly workplace, helping you join the constantly growing list of environmentally friendly businesses.

Reduce the amount of car pollution

Car pollution is one of the major causes of global warming, so by encouraging employees to cycle to work, take public transport, or work from home, this helps to reduce the amount of cars on the road and therefore the amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere.

Cycling to work

Ensuring your workplace is prepared for an influx of bicycles is necessary, so installing cycle stands or bike racks is a good way to make sure they are safely stored throughout the working day. This will also assure employees that their bikes will be protected, further increasing the likelihood of large amounts of people cycling to work.

Taking public transport

Taking a train, bus or even carpooling to work helps to rid unnecessary cars from the road. 

Not only will it lower the amount of cars on the road and therefore the amount of car pollution, but will also help keep roads quieter and reduce the amount of traffic.

Working from home

Although not every workplace has the ability to allow employees to work from home, it’s a good way to reduce the amount of people on the roads. It’s also efficient in preventing virus outbreaks as less people are in the workplace at one time. 

For those that can work at home, having a good home computer desk is essential to ensure work can be carried out efficiently and effectively. With a range of desks for laptops, you can find the perfect style to match your home decor.

Recycling and wasting less

Recycling and wasting less within the workplace is a good way to successfully make your waste management systems eco friendly. Whether you’re using recyclable materials or ensuring the recycling of waste, recycling is a great way to become much more eco friendly.


Installing a recycling bin in bin areas and around your workplace ensures that employees and members of the public alike have the ability to recycle instead of wasting products, materials and waste items.

Sometimes knowing what to recycle can be tough, but your council should state it on their website and assist on where to put what types of different recyclable products.

Recycling old workplace furniture is also important instead of just throwing it away, and this can be done by taking it to a recycling centre, donating it to a charity or selling it on to another company.

Our range of workplace waste management from Equip4work offers a wide range of different waste management solutions, including recycling bins and indoor bins that you can self-label for recycling purposes.

Wasting less

There are many ways to waste less in the workplace, including using recycled materials and equipment, going paperless, using less electricity and reusing and repurposing old workplace furniture.

With advances in technology meaning paper is no longer necessary, going paperless and creating online folders and documents to share with colleagues is much more beneficial for the planet. Waste paper makes for roughly 26% of waste dumped in waste sites and landfills, so eliminating paper altogether will help lower this number.

Similarly, focussing on energy efficiency of lighting and heating will help reduce the amount of wasted energy in the workplace. Opt for energy efficient light bulbs or motion sensor lighting, and make sure to turn all electrical products off at the plug when not in use.

Reusing and repurposing old workplace furniture instead of throwing it out means that new furniture doesn’t need to be produced and transported, therefore meaning there are less emissions released. Repainting furniture is a good way to spruce things up, while a bit of DIY can go a long way when it comes to repurposing.

Eco friendly companies are generally seen more positively by the public and other corporations, so following these steps in your workplace is likely to have a major impact on your business as well as the environment.

Browse our full range of workplace waste management solutions today to allow for easy recycling in your workplace.

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